Using our Emotional Intelligence in handling trying times

Using our Emotional Intelligence in handling trying times

“Everybody takes a bath” Growing up in a family with 9 brothers and sisters was like experiencing a three-ring circus on any normal day in our home. On those especially challenging late summer days, I recall my mother calling us all inside and instructing us to take a...
Four Exercises to Develop Self-Awareness

Four Exercises to Develop Self-Awareness

You’ve seen the headlines: “Five Point Plan to Get Your Dream Job.” “Seven Steps to a Better Relationship with Your Team.” Or the perennial favorite, “Three Easy Tricks to Lose 10 Pounds in Five Days!” We love checklists, don’t we? Somehow, it’s comforting to boil a...
What’s Fueling Your Engine?

What’s Fueling Your Engine?

If my social media activity is any indication, the story of Uber CEO Travis Kalanick’s viral meltdown resonated with a lot of people. My post on the emotional intelligence lessons to be learned from this episode drew an amazing amount of response! Most of the...